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Kodėl nepriklausomas žalų vertinimas – geriausias pasirinkimas?

Viena dažniausių situacijų, kuomet gali prireikti nepriklausomo žalų eksperto, yra netenkinantis draudimo bendrovės vertinimas.

You have the right to claim insurance — even when you think you don't

The reality is that often, in the opinion of customers, insurance companies calculate too small amounts, there are also cases when insurers do not pay insurance benefits at all.

Do not be indifferent to the damage of your CMR

Despite their qualifications and experience, carriers in the road haulage sector do not always manage to avoid freight damage. Sooner or later, every company faces claims for CMR cargo (transported cars).

Transport damage abroad: do you really know what to do?

A traffic accident is one of those situations in life in which the little ones do not want to be convinced of the correctness of folk wisdom that there is always the first time. When dealing with transport damage abroad, even the most experienced driver and the coldest nervous person can face many stressful questions.

Carriers lose money, but cope with it?

A conference of the Lithuanian Union of Carriers took place recently, during which some of the most important issues for carriers today were discussed: insurance premiums and benefits and damage administration.

Non-pecuniary damage: what you need to know?

in the event of an accident, damage to property, getting into a traffic accident, it is usually urgent to talk about property damage. Non-pecuniary damage, or material losses, when values that do not have a ping expression are violated, are left out.