Transport damage abroad: do you really know what to do?

Transport damage abroad: do you really know what to do?

A traffic accident is one of those situations in life in which the little ones do not want to be convinced of the correctness of folk wisdom that there is always the first time. When dealing with transport damage abroad, even the most experienced driver and the coldest nervous person can face many stressful questions. Starting with a very simple, but perhaps the most depressing, if you have not really been in an accident in another country before: “And this... What to do now?”

How to recover money for damage to the car, damage to things, downtime or physical and moral injuries? Is it possible to recover something at all if, for example, the place of the traffic accident is Poland, the culprit is a Belarusian citizen with Belarusian insurance, and the car of the Lithuanian citizen who was injured is still registered in the United Kingdom?

However, if you visit our page and read this particular post looking for some answers about transport damage abroad, it is likely that a similar situation is not alien: for yourself, or perhaps for your dear people or employees of your company. The latter cases, by the way, are particularly frequent — when the consequences of a traffic accident, both financial and moral (often causing deeper damage), fall to a family member or a good friend who has gone abroad. In this case, the human need inevitably arises to contact and talk to someone close to you as soon as possible - to ask for advice and at that moment the much-needed support. If the accident occurred while driving a company car, answers on how to do the right thing are usually expected from the employer.

So do you really know how you should help someone who has faced such unenviable circumstances related to damage abroad? How would you act if something like this happened to you personally?

Regardless of the complexity of the traffic accident, after several deep breaths and depressing the first emotions, all the questions that arise should immediately come to mind the answer: “Independent insurance experts or damage assessors who specialize in foreign claims should be consulted right now.”

The calculation of insurance benefits in foreign damage cases is an area that, over many years of work experience, has become one of our “horses”. So no matter how difficult the situation may be, Claims Management's claims experts are ready to solve it.

We believe that assistance in dealing with injury-related problems, and in particular damage abroad, starts with prevention. Unfortunately, we do not have the power to prevent traffic accidents and customer transport damage abroad — instead we can definitely share knowledge on what to do so that you have as little stress as possible about these things.

What you will soon read are fragments of a real case that fell into the hands of Claims Management's claims experts. Based on them, we will tell you how the path to insurance payments to customers looks like in assessing foreign damage. This will make it easier to understand why even the most complexA traffic accident is not a reason to worrymore than usual in extraordinary circumstances.

  • The customer sought help immediately after the accident, without taking any other additional steps — a very important step in the administration of a transport damage case.
  • We found out the culprit's insurance company — this determined what the further procedures for the administration of damages suffered abroad would be.
  • The client transferred all matters related to the administration of transport damage to our team of independent assessors: collecting the necessary data, registering the traffic accident with the insurance company and starting the administration of the case.
  • The insurance company informed that the estimated amount of loss suffered by the client abroad is 580 euros. We did not agree with that conclusion and put forward additional arguments for a different solution.
  • After reviewing the case file once more, the insurer decided to compensate the client for the damage suffered abroad in the amount of slightly more than EUR 1085.
  • The amount of compensation did not satisfy either the client or us — together we came to the conclusion that the compensation for damages should be significantly higher. Therefore, we inspected the damaged car and made a loss assessment. Even after the second calculation of the insurance company, in our estimation, the amount of damage was twice as high.
  • In a joint compromise, we agreed that final amount of the paymentwill be equal to 2189.55 Eur, which is even377.26% more than the original loss estimate!

The administration of this case of transport damage abroad lasted 47 days and for the entire period the car owner did not have to do anything. Well, unless you have a little patience and finally confirm the final amount of the insurance payment. All other work was done by us, the damage experts.

We could tell you a lot about such good practices in assessing damages suffered by customers abroad, so we will remind you of what we highlighted at the beginning of the post. Regardless of the complexity of the circumstances of the accident, the only thought should come to your mind: immediately after the accident, contact independent insurance experts or damage assessors who specialize in foreign damage.

You can be sure that with Claims Management's claims experts, who administer cases quickly and efficiently, seek to compensate for losses according to the damage suffered by the client, you will surely sleep more soundly. However, we sincerely wish that neither in another country nor in Lithuania there would be a need to have a personal success story similar to the one described - no matter what, each of them is caused by an unpleasant incident: a traffic accident.

Paulius Zabiela - Žalų skyriaus vadovas


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