You have the right to claim insurance — even when you think you don't

Do insurers really save in all the difficult and unpredictable turns of everyday life the way we expect? The reality is that often, in the opinion of customers, insurance companies calculate too small amounts, there are also cases when insurers do not pay insurance benefits at all. After all, in the event of unplanned financial expenses, a household would like an expeditious reaction and an especially accurate assessment of the loss. What to say about the need to consider the possibility of buying a new car, when the one you had is no longer repaired due to an extremely serious traffic accident, and it is difficult or even impossible to do without a personal vehicle.

In an ideal world, we should be calm in the knowledge that in the event of something like this we can rely 100% on insurance companies whose duty - truthfullycompensate for any damage suffered: repair the vehicle or compensate its value for the purchase of another, to cover the costs of injuries, if any. Regardless of this, we got into a minor or extremely complex accident.

Unfortunately, but this is not the case - that is why such terms as “dispute with the insurer” or “claim for insurance” were formed.

Lithuanians are slow to file insurance claims

And completely unnecessarily. This is a phenomenon that officially exists in the field of insurance and a right that belongs to the clients of an insurance company, which, in our opinion, not only can, but also must be enjoyed by both private individuals and companies. Even with the understanding that the process may not be the most pleasant and require what is most important today: time and peace of mind. Because in order for the insurer to reconsider its position, new substantiated facts, evidence or legal nuances must be presented. In other words, there are new weighty arguments once again to examine the original conclusion of the ban.

Concerning the aboveIt is often decided not to “resist” additional problems that cause stress - Lithuanians tend to settle for the initial amount of the payment. This is especially true for private clients, but it also happens that businesses drop their hands, do not have the time or expertise and do not use their right to file a claim for insurance.

We have come to this conclusion through many years of joint experience of the Claims Management team and based on our personal practices as independent experts in various insurance products. So our job as independent assessors is to make sure that you not only experience success with your insurance claim, but also get the maximum possible benefit with the minimum amount of effort.

Insurance claim — not just for underpayment

The question of how to act when we find out that the insurer has underestimated the damage suffered is often asked to us, but this is not the only excuse to write a claim to the insurance. It may also happen that when you notify the insurance representative of an insured event, you will hear a decision that the event is not insurable at all.

Suppose one of the conditions under which the insurer may not agree to pay the benefit is damage to the vehicle caused by knowingly operating a car owned by you in any kind of sporting event, race or training. Even if this activity took place informally. After all, a lover of adrenaline and speed, voluntarily embarking on this or that adventure, realized his actions and the fact that there is a risk of suffering damage that will not be compensated. (Well, or at least you should understand.)

In the list of non-prohibited incidents, one can also find such an item as damage due to the fault of the driver when the vehicle or any part of it gets into the water. Given that the insurance does not pay the benefit in this case, you probably will not test the possibilities of a deliberately frozen lake, the so-called “drifting” skills and the resistance of the engine, right?

Another thing when you experience a hydroshock: suddenly and unexpectedly, the engine is damaged by water, for example, when driving through a downpour, which causes a clogged sewer to flood the street. Fortunately, in this case, the damage suffered in the presence of a casket insurance is considered an insured event. However, this does not necessarily mean that the insurance will reimburse it. How is this possible? You will find the answer in the last section of the post.

A non-prohibited event is not a final verdict

It was not for nothing that we mentioned about the problem of the engine that was not the fault of the driver - one of our customers had to experience a similar real situation. Although he had insurance for a cascade, he did not think that the hydroshock could be considered an insured event, he hurried to repair the car at his own expense and only after seeing a considerable sum of 2 thousand euros for the repair work he applied to the insurer.

After receiving a response from them about the negative decision on the payment, they contacted Claims Management and only learned from us that an unexpectedly overfilled engine is still considered a cash-compensated damage. However, it is necessary to apply for payment on time, that is, before the car began to be repaired, and in this case it was too late - the customer no longer had material proving the fact of damage: neither photos of the damage, nor replaced parts.

Where are we headed? As a reminder that sometimes coming to terms with unpleasant circumstances comes in the most direct sense due to ignorance. But you don't have to know everything — there are experts in their fields. That's what we, the independent claims assessors of Claims Management, are for that. You just need to remember that it is better to consult first than to draw hasty conclusions on your own.

By the way, the story of a client with a poured engine and greatly relieved monetary relief did not end with these facts, because we offered him to exercise his right: to write a claim for insurance. You got it right — even after registering the damage to the car as a non-insured event, it is possible to apply to the insurance company for payment. And, of course, expect that at least part of the damage will be compensated. When the need arises, we will do everything to make it happen.

Faced a claim or a non-insurance event? Contact or +370 614 64 622

Paulius Zabiela - Žalų skyriaus vadovas


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