Do not be indifferent to the damage of your CMR

Despite their qualifications and experience, carriers in the road haulage sector do not always manage to avoid freight damage. Sooner or later, every company faces claims for CMR cargo (transported cars). Working in this market, we noticed that customers very often agree with the claims made and their amounts. Unfortunately, the amounts of losses are often calculated incorrectly or are unjustified. Qualified experts can assess the exact size of the loss or the validity of the claim, and the results indeed pleasantly surprise many. It is especially important to pay attention to carriers whose franchise provided for in the CMR insurance contract is at least EUR 600.

How is the amount of claims reduced in the management of claims processes by professionals in this field? Below are examples of CMR damages administered by our company.

  • Our client received a claim after the transfer, the amount of which amounted to 2863.65 Eur. To make sure of the reasonableness of the amount of the claim, applied with a request to review the received claim. After the company's experts analyzed the documents received, the amount was reduced to 1835,25 Eur. This means that we saved EUR 1028.40 for the client, i.e. ~ 44% reduction in the initial claim amount.
  • The client applied for a claim received 1543.91 Eur. After the work done by us, the amount of the claim was reduced to 500 Eur, the amount saved for the client is equal to 1043.91 Eur, i.e. even ~ 68% of the amount of the initial claim submitted.
  • The client received a claim for damages in the amount of EUR 1370,25. After analyzing the claim, the experts of our company reduced the amount to 360 Eur, the client saved 1010.25 Eur, i.e. even ~ 74% of the amount of the initial claim.

Regardless of the extent of the damage, it is particularly important that the damage is administered fairly and fairly, taking into account the circumstances of the damage, the claim and the documents submitted. CMR damage amounts after analysis can vary significantly and can result in significant savings. We believe that these examples perfectly illustrate how significantly the amounts of claims submitted can change when waste analysis is carried out by specialists in this field. So is it worth not to remain indifferent to the damage of your CMR? We hope you have found the answer in the information we have provided.

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Paulius Zabiela - Žalų skyriaus vadovas


El. p.
Mob. tel. +370 (614) 64 622
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