Carriers lose money, but cope with it?

A conference of the Lithuanian Union of Carriers took place recently, during which some of the most important issues for carriers today were discussed: insurance premiums and benefits and damage administration.

Before the conference, a survey was conducted, during which more than 100 carrier companies answered the questions asked. We know from insurance experience that dealing with damage is often a burden for carriers, but the survey results show that the situation is worse than we thought. Why did the results surprise us?

It is important to mention that only 10% of all respondents noted that insurance benefits are always calculated correctly. The other 90% don't think so!

Another indicator that is important to highlight is that 24% of those surveyed believe that the benefits could be higher, but carriers mostly agree with the initial calculations.

Also very relevant for carriers is foreign damage. 72% of carriers face damage abroad. When the damage occurs outside Lithuania, additional problems arise:

  • Foreign language barrier;
  • Ignorance of the legal base of a foreign country;
  • More expenses are incurred than can be recovered;

The results of the survey clearly indicate problems in the administration of damages in the carrier sector. We invite you to solve them with Claims Management.

Get in touch zalos@claimsmanagement.ltor +370 687 76 330

Paulius Zabiela - Žalų skyriaus vadovas


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